Road length and speed: we remind you

Do it

Read the text and remember how the speed of bodies is calculated. Answer the question.

Distance and speed

Keha kiiruseks nimetatakse füüsikalist suurust, mis näitab, kui pika tee läbib keha mingi ajavahemiku jooksul:


Kui sellest valemist avaldada teepikkus, siis saame valemi

Kui sellest valemist avaldada aeg, siis saame valemi

Let's calculate the speed

Calculate in your head and give the answers to the following questions.

1. If Juss runs three meters in one second, then his speed is
2. If Peter walks three meters in three seconds, then his speed is
3. If Oskar just stands there and looks at it jokingly, it's his speed

Let's calculate the path length

Calculate in your head and give the answers to the following questions.

1. If Juss runs at a speed of three meters per second, he covers in two seconds m
2. If Peter walks at a speed of one meter per second, he will cover the distance in six seconds m
3. If Oskar gets tired of standing and starts running after Jussi twice as fast as Peeter walks, he passes in one second m
Let's calculate the time

Calculate in your head and give the answers to the following questions.

1. If Juss runs at a speed of three meters per second, it takes him 30 meters to reach the distance s
2. If Peter walks at a speed of one meter per second, it takes him 30 meters to reach the distance s
3. If Oskar gets tired of standing and starts running after Jussi twice as fast as Peeter walks, it takes him 30 meters to reach the distance s